Utility Rebates

Utility companies are rebating the installation of window film by as much as 50% as a standalone upgrade.

Utilizing Window Film for Utility Rebates

Window Films have earned third party credibility, including the endorsement of local utility companies. In fact, utility companies are rebating the installation of window film by as much as 50% as a standalone upgrade. In fact, utility companies are rebating the installation of window film by as much as 50% as a standalone upgrade. Cities such as New York, Boston, and Washington, DC have begun mandating the carbon footprint reduction of large commercial buildings. This new legislation is forcing building owners and other commercial property decision-makers to concentrate on envelope improvements, like the use of window film.

Generally speaking, it is more cost-effective for a utility company to help its customers reduce their consumption rather than build additional infrastructure to supply increased demand. Utility companies typically offer two types of rebate programs: prescriptive and custom.

A prescriptive rebate for window film means that a fixed price per square foot of window film installed is rebated back to the end-user. The rebate amount can vary from $.45 / Sq Ft – $2.00 / Sq Ft.


How Rebate Amounts Are Determined

Most power companies rebate window films through their custom programs. The rebate amount is evaluated on the estimated effect of window film on a given building. To determine this effect, 3M uses software (EFILM) based on the Department of Energy’s Energy Plus to model a building before and after window film. The difference in energy consumption multiplied by the unit cost of energy represents annual utility savings. That estimate is then reviewed by the utility company for accuracy and the rebate amount is then calculated. The end-user receives a commitment letter from the utility company stating the rebated amount. The 3M dealer network will determine the rebated amount at no risk or obligation.

Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency