3M DI-NOC Quick Ship Program

DI-NOC Architectural Finishes consist of approximately 1,000 patterns manufactured by 3M Company in Japan for a global market. Managing a product portfolio with so many SKUs can be difficult, resulting in long lead times and project delays. That’s why 3M introduced its Quick Ship program whereby 190 popular patterns are now stocked in the United States.
Stocking film locally simplifies the purchasing process and reduces product delivery times.

3M Quick Ship Pattern Variety

3M’s 190 Quick Ship patterns include woods, metals, stones, fabrics, solid colors, carbons, and more.

The DI-NOC Quick Ship Program includes the following patterns:

AE-1632 CN-1623 FW-1214EX ME-003EX ME-2559 PS-3989MT VM-2035
AE-1632AR DW-1877MT FW-1215 ME-004EX ME-2562 PS-503 VM-2361
AE-1632EX DW-1878MT FW-1256 ME-007EX ME-2564 PS-959EX VM-305
AE-1633 DW-1882MT FW-1257 ME-1174 ME-379 PW-2305MT VM-487
AE-1634 DW-1883MT FW-1262 ME-1175 ME-396 PW-2306MT WG-1067
AE-1635EX DW-1891MT FW-1272 ME-1223 ME-432 PW-2307MT WG-1140
AE-1636 DW-2197MT FW-1293 ME-1224 ME-486 PW-2310MT WG-1140EX
AE-1637 DW-2202MT FW-1757 ME-1434 ME-904 PW-2312MT WG-1141
AE-1638 DW-2203MT FW-1801 ME-1435 MW-777 PW-2314MT WG-1142
AE-1717 DW-2208MT FW-1805 ME-1466 NU-1786 PW-2316MT WG-1143
AE-1719 DW-2221MT FW-1972 ME-1685 NU-1789 PW-2319MT WG-1196
AE-1913MT DW-2229MT FW-233EX ME-1716 NU-1934MT PW-2325MT WG-1336
AE-1921MT DW-2478MT FW-236 ME-1781 NU-1935MT RT-1111 WG-1337
AE-1944MT FA-1530EX FW-236AR ME-1997 NU-1940MT RT-1827 WG-1358
AE-2149 FA-1531 FW-236EX ME-2020 NU-2008 ST-1831 WG-156
AE-2153MT FW-1021 FW-237 ME-2023 NU-2009 ST-1911MT WG-1704
AE-2159 FW-1022 FW-2421 ME-2024 NU-2175MT ST-1914MT WG-1708
AE-2160 FW-1022AR FW-627 ME-2172 NU-2176MT ST-1918MT WG-1710
AE-2162MT FW-1022EX FW-886 ME-2173 NU-2177 ST-2170MT WG-1837
AE-2163MT FW-1113 FW-887EX ME-2261 NU-2178 ST-2171MT WG-1838
AE-2164MT FW-1122 HG-1205 ME-2262 PS-1183 ST-2533MT WG-1841
AE-2503 FW-1122AR LE-1105 ME-2264 PS-1187 ST-2536MT WG-695
AE-2506 FW-1122EX LE-1109 ME-2265 PS-1870MT ST-442EX WG-7024
CA-1170 FW-1129 LE-1171 ME-2271 PS-3093MT SU-2231MT WG-831
CA-420 FW-1129AR LE-1551 ME-2551 PS-3098MT SU-2233MT WG-865
CA-421 FW-1129EX ME-001EX ME-2552 PS-3866MT VM-1691 WG-943
CN-1621 FW-1138 ME-002EX ME-2554 PS-3870MT VM-1694 WH-111

View 3M Quick Ship Patterns

EPD Ships DI-NOC Nationwide

Quick Ship Benefits

3M’s Quick Ship Program provides clients multiple benefits:

  • Faster product delivery times by shipping material within the US instead of from Japan
  • Local stock to meet deadlines of time-sensitive projects
  • Choosing from 190 patterns simplifies the pattern selection process
  • Marketing materials created for an American audience

DI-NOC Quick Ship Pattern Roll Sizes

3M’s Quick Ship patterns are available for purchase in four convenient sizes:

  • 48” X 16.4’ (suitable for resurfacing two sides of a standard commercial office door with minimal waste)
  • 48” X 32.8’ (suitable for resurfacing two sides of two standard commercial office doors with minimal waste)
  • 48” X 82’ (half roll length for most patterns, full roll length for select patterns)
  • 48” X 164’ (full roll length for most patterns)

The EPD DI-NOC Difference

3M DI-NOC is such a versatile product that has many applications. EPD makes your DI-NOC Quick Ship pattern experience unique, simple, and headache-free.

Online DI-NOC Shopping

EPD makes purchasing 3M DI-NOC easier than ever before. That’s because you or your installation company can purchase Quick Ship Patterns from our online store. You can even order product samples.
Jeffrey Lipitz as Dr. DI-NOC

Meet Dr. DI-NOC

In addition to making procurement easy, we offer end-users and installation companies support that will facilitate substrate preparation and product installation. Support is offered from Jeffrey Lipitz, known as Dr. DI-NOC because of his passion for the product.

Jeffrey, or Dr. DI-NOC, has been serving the architecture and design community for more than 30 years. Like many others, he appreciates DI-NOC for its flexibility, pattern variety, and transformational qualities.

Dr. DI-NOC helps clients with:

  • Pattern selection
  • Material costs
  • Presentations to the A&D Community
  • Surface Preparation
  • Technical advice
  • Sustainability
  • Value Engineering
  • Scheduling 3M-certified installation training for clients wanting to perform in-house installations

Remember, the Doctor is just a page away to answer your DI-NOC questions.