3M’s Vinyl Wrap Film Series 2080 allows a motorist to personalize his or her car by changing its color or adding accents such as hood, roof, and trunk stripes. There are more than 100 different colors, broken down into various categories, in the 3M’s 2080 product line . The categories are: Gloss, Satin, Matte, Textures, Color Flips, and Chrome.
The patterns in this category are shiny and feature most every color (blacks, whites, blues, greens, yellows, reds, oranges, pinks, purples, and more).
The patterns (blacks, whites, blues, greens, oranges, reds, browns, and more) in this category have no gloss shine and mimic the appearance of matte paint.
Gloss is shiny while matte is not. Satin gives you the best of both worlds. It is not as shiny as Gloss and not as dull as Matte. Many of the colors available in Matte are also available in Satin.
This category features different textures and colors of carbon fiber, brushed metal, and camouflage. The texture can be seen and felt.
Color Flips
The patterns in this category feature an iridescent color shift made possible by the incorporation of different levels of reflectivity.
There is only one pattern in this category – 3M Gloss Silver Chrome (GC451). It looks just like it sounds – shiny, silver, and reflective – just like a mirror.
Common applications of 3M’s Vinyl Wrap Film Series 2080 include:
- Hood, roof, and trunk stripes (commonly found on Mustangs, GT500s, Corvettes, Camaros, Chargers, and Challengers)
- Gloss black roofs (commonly found on Toyota Camrys)
- Duplicate factory matte paint
- Chrome delete (black out silver reflective trim)

It is quite common for motorists to mix and match various colors, especially since you can apply film on top of film.
You can see what colors are currently available here.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for, check back regularly, as 3M continues to add new colors and patterns to its Vinyl Wrap Film Series 2080 on a regular basis.